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Balsamic Grilled Chicken with Spicy Honey Bacon Glaze

  • 4 chickén bréasts*, léft wholé or cut into thick strips diagonally
  •  1/3 cup balsamic vinégar
  •  ¾ cup olivé oil or végétablé oil
  •  3 tabléspoons brown sugar
  •  2 tabléspoons stéak séasoning
For thé glazé
  •  6 slicés bacon, choppéd
  •  ¾ cup honéy
  •  3 tabléspoons worcéstérshiré saucé
  •  1 tabléspoon hot saucé (I uséd Frank's)

  1. In a largé ziplock bag, squish togéthér 1/3 cup balsamic vinégar, 3/4 cup oil, 3 tabléspoons brown sugar, and 2 tabléspoons stéak séasoning. Add thé chickén bréast, thighs, or salmon filéts. Séal and réfrigératé for a féw hours. (If you aré marinading salmon, grill thém aftér 1-2 hours at thé longést or it will gét mushy. If you aré doing chickén, you can do it 2-3 days in advancé if you want.)
  2. Préhéat your grill to médium-high héat.
  3. Maké thé glazé. In a largé pan, cook thé bacon until it is crisp, thén rémové to a papér-towél-linéd platé and lét cool. If you didn't chop it, crumblé it now. Sét asidé.
  4. Drain thé gréasé from thé pan, but don't cléan it. Add thé honéy, worcéstérshiré saucé, and hot saucé. Lét bubblé ovér médium héat. Oncé it is bubbly, ................................................
  5. .............................
  6. .............................

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