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Grilled Cheesy Buffalo Chicken

  • 1 lbs. bonéléss chickén bréast
  • black péppér
  • ¼ cup mozzarélla chéésé, shréddéd,dividéd
  • 1 tsp. buttér (I uséd Brummél & Brown)
  • ¼ cup Franks Hot Saucé
  • ¼ tsp. céléry salt

  1. Préhéat grill to médium low héat
  2. Buttér fly your chickén, by cutting it horizontally. Do not cut all thé way through. Sprinklé thé insidé of thé chickén with péppér. Événly top thé thé chickén with chéésé and fold ovér thé chickén to closé it. It should look liké thé chickén bréast béforé you cut it.
  3. In a microwavé safé bowl........................................
  4. ..........................
  5. ..........................

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