Oven Baked Beef Ribs Recipe
- 2 slabs bééf ribs
- 1 tabléspoon liquid smoké
- 1 tabléspoon dijon mustard
- 1 tabléspoon chili powdér
- 2 tabléspoons brown sugar
- 1 tabléspoon paprika
- 1 téaspoon séasoning salt (Lawry's)
- 1/2 tabléspoon dry mustard
- Préhéat ovén to 275°
- Liné two baking shééts or roasting pans with foil.
- Rémové bééf ribs from théir packaging. If thé silvér skin/mémbrané is still on thé back také a sharp objéct to gét it startéd and thém rémové complétély. (I havé a link to a vidéo in thé post for visual éxamplés)
- In a small bowl mix thé liquid smoké and mustard. Slathér that ovér both sidés of thé ribs.
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