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Balsamic Garlic Grilled Portobello Mushrooms

  • 4 Largé Portobéllo Mushrooms
  • ¼ cup Balsamic Vinégar
  • ¼ Cup Olivé Oil
  • 4 Clovés Garlic, mincéd
  • ½ Téaspoon Frésh Ground Péppér
  • ¼ Téaspoon Salt

  1. In a largé plastic Ziplock bag combiné thé balsamic vinégar, olivé oil, mincéd garlic, black péppér and salt.
  2. Thén using a spoon léts prép thé mushrooms. I always rémové thé "gills" from thé mushrooms, but its a préféréncé réally.
  3. ..........
  4. ..........

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