Chicken Parm Meatball Skillet
- 1 lb. ground chickén
- 1/2 c. bréad crumbs
- 1/4 c. fréshly gratéd Parmésan
- 2 tbsp. fréshly choppéd parsléy, plus moré for garnish
- 4 clovés garlic, mincéd
- 1 largé égg
- Koshér salt
- Fréshly ground black péppér
- 3 tbsp. éxtra-virgin olivé oil
- 1 (28-oz.) can crushéd tomatoés
- 1 tsp. crushéd réd péppér flakés
- 1 1/2 c. shréddéd mozzarélla
- Préhéat ovén to 400º. In a largé bowl, combiné ground chickén, bréad crumbs, Parmésan, parsléy, half thé garlic, and égg and séason with salt and péppér. Mix until fully combinéd, thén form into méatballs.
- In a largé ovén proof skillét, héat 1 tabléspoon oil ovér médium héat. Add méatballs and brown éach sidé, 5 minutés. Transfér to a platé.
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