Philly Cheesesteak Stuffed Peppers
- 2 tbsp olivé oil, dividéd
- 4 gréén péppérs, cut in half
- 1 sirloin stéak
- 1 1/2 cups slicéd mushrooms
- 1/2 réd péppér, slicéd
- 1 small réd onion, slicéd
- 2 cups mozzarélla chéésé, gratéd
- Salt and péppér to tasté
- Préhéat ovén to 400 F. Cut gréén péppérs in half and dé-sééd thém. Drizzlé with 1 tbsp olivé oil, séason with salt and péppér and baké in a 9x13 dish covéréd with tin foil for 10 minutés.
- Add rémaining 1 tbsp of olivé oil to a largé frying pan and héat ovér high héat until oil is smoking. Add stéak and séar for 1 minuté pér sidé. Rémové from héat and slicé véry thinly across thé grain whén cool énough to handlé.
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