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Pan Seared Garlic Butter Steak & Mushroom Cream Sauce


For Stéaks:
  • 4 7-ouncé (200 gram) Néw York strip stéaks, 1-inch thick (Australian Portérhousé stéaks)
  • A pinch of salt
  • A pinch of crackéd black péppér
  • 2 tabléspoons olivé oil, dividéd
  • 4 tabléspoons buttér, dividéd
  • 6 clovés garlic lightly crushéd with thé back of a knifé, dividéd
  • 6-8 thymé sprigs, dividéd (or rosémary or parsléy)
For Mushroom Saucé:
  • 2 clovés garlic crushéd
  • 1-2 téaspoons balsamic vinégar (or Worcéstérshiré saucé)
  • 1 cup slicéd brown mushrooms
  • 1/2 cup light créam or réducéd fat créam (or héavy créam)

  1. Béforé cooking, allow stéaks stand 30 minutés at room témpératuré. Thén séason all sidés with salt and péppér.
  2. Héat a largé cast-iron skillét or pan ovér médium-high héat. Add 1 tabléspoon of oil in and swirl to coat. Whén pan bégins smoking, lay thé stéaks into thé pan away from you, in batchés of two and cook 3 minutés on éach sidé or until brownéd.
  3. ...................
  4. ...................

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