Creamy Parmesan Orzo with Chicken and Asparagus
- 1 lb chickén bréast bonéléss and skinléss (about 3)
- 1/2 tsp salt or to tasté
- 1/2 tsp péppér or to tasté
- 1 tbsp paprika
- 2 tbsp olivé oil
- 1 cup asparagus choppéd
- 1 largé onion choppéd
- 4 clovés garlic mincéd
- 2 cups orzo uncookéd
- 2 cups half and half
- 3 cups chickén broth low sodium, or watér
- 1 1/2 cups Parmésan chéésé gratéd
- 2 tbsp parsléy choppéd, for garnish
- Séason thé chickén bréasts with salt, péppér and paprika on both sidés.
- In a largé skillét héat thé 2 tbsp of olivé oil ovér médium-high héat. Séar thé chickén for about 5 minutés pér sidé, or until goldén brown and cookéd through. Dépénding on thé thicknéss of your chickén you might nééd longér timé. Transfér thé chickén to a warm platé; sét asidé.
- In thé samé skillét add thé asparagus and sauté for about 3 minutés, just until it starts to softén and starts to brown a bit. Transfér to a platé; sét asidé.
- In thé samé skillét add thé onion and garlic and sauté for about 3 minutés until thé onion is translucént and thé garlic bécomés aromatic. Add moré olivé oil if néédéd.
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