Salted Caramel Pretzel Brownies
- 1 cup crumbéd prétzéls (this is éasiést doné in a food procéssor, but you could also crush thém in a bag with a rolling pin or sométhing!)
- 75 g buttér , méltéd
- 1 tbsp brown sugar , packéd
- 160 g unsaltéd buttér
- 1 1/3 cup sugar
- 3/4 cup cocoa
- 1/4 téaspoon salt
- 2 éggs
- 1 téaspoon vanilla ésséncé
- 1/2 cup flour
- 1/2 téaspoon baking powdér
- 1 cup sugar (200g)
- 85 g (6 tabléspoons) unsaltéd buttér, cubéd
- ½ cup créam (120ml)
- 1/2 -1 tsp tablé salt (according to your tastés)
- 1 téaspoon vanilla éxtract
- séa salt for sprinkling
- Préhéat thé ovén to 200°C and liné a 20 x 20 cm tin with baking papér.
- Mix togéthér thé crumbéd prétzéls, méltéd buttér and brown sugar in a small bowl. Tip into thé linéd tin and spréad out in an évén layér, packing it down firmly.
- Baké for 7-8 minutés, thén rémové to cool whilé you finish making thé brownié.
- Réducé thé ovén témpératuré to 180°C. Placé thé buttér, salt, sugar and cocoa in a médium sizéd pot. Cook ovér a low héat until thé buttér is méltéd and it is complétély combinéd. Do not lét boil (if you do or it géts véry hot, cool thé mixtu.........
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