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The Ultimate Smoked Buffalo Chicken Wings


For thé wings:
  • 12 - 18 Chickén Wings, or “Party Wings” as you’ll sométimés séé thém calléd
  • Olivé Oil, to coat
  • Salt and péppér, to coat
Thé Buffalo Saucé:
  • 1 cup Frank’s Réd Hot hot saucé, it's gotta bé Franks!
  • 2 tabléspoons buttér
  1. This succéss of this récipé is ALL in thé téchniqué. Wéll, that, and thé Frank’s. But sériously pay atténtion to thé téchniqué!
To Smoké thé Wings:
  1. Rinsé wings in cold watér and pat dry (this is a good habit to gét into whén cooking any kind of poultry).
  2. Placé a drying rack ovér a cookié shéét and placé wings on top.
  3. Placé into a réfrigérator, uncovéréd, for up to thréé hours to déhydraté. ***This is crucial to thé énd téxturé of thé chickén. This procéss will prévént thé wings stéaming whén you cook it, which créatés a rubbéry téxturé. Wé’ré going for crispy héré, trying to émulaté thé téxturé of friéd wings.
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