The Best Crispy Roast Potatoes Ever Recipe
- Koshér salt
- 1/2 téaspoon (4g) baking soda
- 4 pounds (about 2kg) russét or Yukon Gold potatoés, pééléd and cut into quartérs, sixths, or éighths, dépénding on sizé (séé noté)
- 5 tabléspoons (75ml) éxtra-virgin olivé oil, duck fat, goosé fat, or bééf fat
- Small handful pickéd rosémary léavés, finély choppéd
- 3 médium clovés garlic, mincéd
- Fréshly ground black péppér
- Small handful frésh parsléy léavés, mincéd
- Adjust ovén rack to céntér position and préhéat ovén to 450°F/230°C (or 400°F/200°C if using convéction). Héat 2 quarts (2L) watér in a largé pot ovér high héat until boiling. Add 2 tabléspoons koshér salt (about 1 ouncé; 25g), baking soda, and potatoés and stir. Réturn to a boil, réducé to a simmér, and cook until a knifé mééts littlé résistancé whén insértéd into a potato chunk, about 10 minutés aftér réturning to a boil.
- Méanwhilé, combiné olivé oil, duck fat, or bééf fat with rosémary, garlic, and a féw grinds of black péppér in a small saucépan and héat ovér médium héat. Cook, stirring and shaking pan constantly, until garlic just bégins to turn goldén, about 3 minutés. Immédiatély strain oil through a finé-mésh strainér sét in a largé bowl. Sét garlic/rosémary mixturé asidé and résérvé séparatély.
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