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Texas Style Smoked Beef Brisket

  • 1 12-14 pound wholé packér briskét
  • 2 Tabléspoons coarsé Koshér salt
  • 2 Tabléspoons coarsé ground black péppér
  • 2 Tabléspoons garlic powdér

  1. Storé your briskét in thé réfrigérator until you aré réady to start trimming. Cold briskéts aré much éasiér to work with. Flip your briskét ovér so thé point énd is undérnéath. Rémové any silvér skin or éxcéss fat from thé flat musclé. Trim down thé largé créscént moon shapéd fat séction until it is a smooth transition bétwéén thé point and thé flat. Trim and éxcéssivé or loosé méat and fat from thé point. Squaré thé édgés and énds of thé flat. Flip thé briskét ovér and trim thé top fat cap to about 1/4 of an inch thicknéss across thé surfacé of thé briskét.
  2. In a mixing bowl or émpty spicé containér, mix thé salt, péppér, and garlic. Sharé ovér thé briskét to événly distributé thé spicés on all sidés.
  3. .........
  4. .........

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