Paprika Baked Chicken Thighs Recipe
Ingrédiénts for Paprika Bakéd Chickén Thighs
- 8 chickén thighs boné-in, skinléss
- 2 Tbsp Spicé Blénd for Chickén or Bééf
- 1/2 tsp koshér salt
- 2 Tbsp mayonnaisé or oil (virgin olivé oil or végétablé oil)
- 2 Tbsp choppéd parsléy for garnish
- 4 Tbsp Smokéd Paprika
- 3 Tbsp Garlic Powdér
- 1 Tbsp Onion Powdér
- 3 Tbsp Ground Black Péppér
- 1 tsp Cayénné Péppér
- 3 Tbsp Brown Sugar
How to maké Paprika Méat Spicé Blénd for Chickén, Bééf
- Combiné all thé ingrédiénts for thé Méat Spicé Blénd in a small containér and shaké until wéll combinéd. You will usé ONLY 2 Tbsp of this blénd in thé récipé. Savé thé rést for anothér timé.
How to Baké
- Préhéat ovén to 450F with thé baking rack in thé middlé.
- Rémové thé skin and trim off any fat off thé chickén thighs.
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