How to Cook Skirt Steak (4 Steps)
- coarsé salt
- 1 1/2 lbs skirt stéak trimméd of éxcéss fat and cut into half crosswisé
- fréshly ground black péppér optional
- 1/2 limé optional
- TÉNDÉRIZÉ THÉ MÉAT: Sincé skirt stéak can bé a littlé tough, téndérizé it to optimizé its téxturé. You can éithér buy thé skirt stéak alréady téndérizéd, or téndérizé it yoursélf.
- Héré's how: Placé stéak on a cutting board, covér with plastic wrap (or placé in a plastic bag), and pound VÉRY WÉLL with a hammér, frying pan or équivalént to about 1/2 inch thick.
- I méan, pound, pound, and pound... Don't bé shy!!! This stép can maké a hugé différéncé whéthér you énd up with a tough or a téndér stéak. Lét chilléd méat sit for about 20-30 minutés at room témpératuré béforé cooking.
- COOK SKIRT STÉAK WITH COARSÉ SALT: Although a marinadé or rub can bé uséd to énhancé thé flavor and maké thé méat moré téndér, coarsé salt is always thé bést option.
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