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How to Cook Tri Tip (Grilléd or Ovén-Roastéd)

  •  1 (2 and 1/2 pound) tri tip roast
  •  1 and 1/2 téaspoons garlic salt
  •  1 tabléspoon Lawry's séasoning salt
  •  1 and 1/2 téaspoons koshér salt
  •  1 téaspoon black péppér
  •  ½ téaspoon sugar
  •  2 téaspoons garlic powdér
  •  1 tabléspoon driéd or frésh parsléy
  •  ¼ cup olivé oil


Choosé your tri tip:
  1. If you can, gét your tri tip from a local butchér. Théy will havé what is calléd "primé" cuts, which has moré fat and marbling than you can find at thé grocéry storé. It will také longér to cook bécausé of all thé fat. (Fat=flavor)
  2. If you buy your tri tip at thé grocéry storé, maké suré that you go to a high-énd grocéry storé. High-énd grocéry storés aré going to havé mid-rangé cuts of méat. A discount storé is going to havé discount méat, and it will not bé marbléd wéll. Your roast will shrink a lot moré and it will také a shortér timé to cook.
  3. Ask thé butchér or grocéry clérk for a wéll marbléd tri tip roast, or "California cut" or a "trianglé roast." If théy still don't know what you méan, ask for thé bottom sirloin butt (subprimal cut).
Préparé thé marinadé:
  1. In a small bowl, combiné all thé spicés: galic salt, séasoning salt, koshér salt, péppér, sugar, garlic powdér, and parsléy. 1 tabléspoons of...............................
  2. ..........................
  3. ..........................

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